Tuesday, February 15, 2011

So here is what is boils down to.

1918 was the first year the award was given for a novel, but we are reading all the winners from when the category was changed to fiction: 1948.

Awards not given in: 1954, 57 64 71 74 77 (-6)

Have previously read:  2008,2007,2001,1998,1975,1961,1953 (-7)

Years award was given: 63
Years of no award:         6
Previously read:            - 7
 total books yet to read: 50

25 books per person.  (Kurt and Jesse)
Slightly over 2 books a month. 

I had this idea, (pulitizerphilia) to attempt to read all the fiction winners when I realized a large majority of the best books I have read in the past year coincidentally, shared the same distinction.  
And I know, technically, to read all of the pulitzer winners for a novel we would be reading works from 1918, but I think nearly 50 books per-person is definitely too ambitious.  So we are reading all of the "Fiction" winners.  When I say we, I mean me, (Jesse) currently located in NY, and current Londonite (?) Kurt.  So this will function as a form of pen-pality through (hopefully) great literature.

That is all. 

Blog Launch 9.20.11


Why would you do that?

That's the first reaction most people have after I tell them the plan Jesse hatched and I agreed to. All Pulitzer fictions in a year?

My response: It's a good way to force myself to read some proper literature. And I won't have to find any books to read... they're all on the list.

Well, I'm looking forward to it, but I think it's going to be tough to read 2.7 (or something) books a month for 12 months straight.

There goes my spare time to watch Glee or Mad Men or Fringe or V or anything for that matter. It's read, read, read once we pull the trigger on the starter gun -- likely 1 March.

K, out.